Hello Deval,

where is this DWC OTG driver code? The driver must have the right DRIVER_MODULE() and MODULE_DEPEND() definitions.

On 24/05/16 20:04, Deval Shah wrote:

Currently, I am working on porting USB DWC OTG driver on Raspberry Pi. Last year Yurii Shevtsov worked on the same. So, I forked the latest rtems-libbsdand cherry-picked Yurii's commits. While building libbsdusing waf, I got the following error.

testsuite/arphole/test_main.c.17.o:(.rtemsroset.bsd.nexus.content+0x10): undefined reference to `_bsd_bcm283x_dwcotg_nexusmodule_sys_init'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

This error is observed in all the testsuits which are related to networing. Then according to this wiki https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2015/RaspberryPiUSBSupport, I added following lines to those testsuits.

-- #include <bsp/nexus-devices.h>
-- SYSINIT_DRIVER_REFERENCE(bcm283x_dwcotg, nexus);

I get the following redefiation error this time.
In file included from /home/gadgetman/development/rtems/rtems-libbsd/testsuite/include/rtems/bsd/test/default-network-init.h:295:0,
                 from ../../testsuite/arphole/test_main.c:118:
/home/gadgetman/development/rtems/rtems-libbsd/rtemsbsd/include/bsp/nexus-devices.h:154:40: error: redefinition of 'bcm283x_dwcotg_res'
 static const rtems_bsd_device_resource bcm283x_dwcotg_res[] = {
In file included from ../../testsuite/arphole/test_main.c:57:0:
/home/gadgetman/development/rtems/rtems-libbsd/rtemsbsd/include/bsp/nexus-devices.h:154:40: note: previous definition of 'bcm283x_dwcotg_res' was here
 static const rtems_bsd_device_resource bcm283x_dwcotg_res[] = {

Also, looks like the error is only in the testsuits. USB drivers are compiled properly. What is another way to test the port ? Is there any other testsuit available ? Are there any other standard methods to evaluate this ?

Thanks in advance,
Deval Shah

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