
I am Vidushi Vashishth from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi
and I intend to participate in the selection procedure for GSOC'18. I have
already submitted the Hello world patch. The past couple of days I have
been going through the open projects and I am interested in the ones below:

1) Run time tracing
For this project I have been reading about the Common Trace Format
Integration, Trace Buffering, RTEMS trace linker's working which utilises
INI configuration files. I have been following the ticket #3028. I am
currently working on the tasks present on the ticket's description. It
would be helpful if the community could point out to any other relevant
issues which I could work on to get a better idea about this project. I
would get back when I find one myself. As suggested on the mailing list, I
would also like to investigate the TCF project to see if a combination of
both of these can be undertaken in one summer. Let me know if this is too

2) Rump Kernels
The project's description was a little open ended but garnered my interest.
It would require a little more research from my end to come up with ideas
myself. I would do that if time permits.

I intend to write my proposal in a week's time.


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