Hi all,
As discussed in yesterday's IRC meeting, here is the list of different IO
benchmarks(which are supported by FreeBSD) in the decreasing order of their
popularity  :

   1. FIO - License type:  GPLv2
   <https://github.com/redhat-cip/fio/blob/master/COPYING> - Widely
   accepted for storage device benchmarking
   2. IOZONE - License: Customized
   <http://www.iozone.org/docs/Iozone_License.txt> - Large number of
   features, Also used for storage benchmarking
   3. Bonnie++ - GPLv2 - Widely known filesystem benchmark, Not much used
   for storage benchmarking.
   4. IOMETER -  GPLv2 - Out of active development.
   5. IORATE - Flexible <https://sites.google.com/site/vwiorate/home> - Out
   of active development

I have performed SDIO-SDHCI performance analysis using IOZONE. Here
<https://sites.google.com/site/vwiorate/home> are the results. And i have
documented the process on my blog


Udit Agarwal
devel mailing list

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