On 11/11/2018 23:04, Joel Sherrill wrote:

Each year at the Flight Software Workshop I give a presentation on what has happened with RTEMS in the past year or so, things that need highlighting, and what needs attention and love. This year I have a request for similar slides for someone to present at an EPICS meeting on Thursday. Please help me with ideas and bullets. Slide ideas so far:

+ Libbsd - what all is there? I'm surprised at what's in there, so info on features, bsps supported, and what's next is appreciated.

* Update to a version close to the FreeBSD 12 release

* Update of mDNSResponder to latest version released by Apple

* Early next year I will port the NVMe support

+ Ecosystem - testing, rsb, Eclipse, tracing, etc

* Eclipse support is horrible out of date. I guess the plug-in needs a re-write.

* Flexible per-processor data with static allocation.

* Default SMP scheduler supports thread pinning. This is a building block for the Epoch Based Reclamation support in libbsd. This enables an efficient use of lock-free data structures in RTEMS.

* Most internal data structures are now hidden from <rtems.h>.

+ New ports and bsps

* SMP support for RISC-V

+ Infrastructure status and needs

+ Relicensing

Anything else of interest to a random group of RTEMS aware folks and real users. Consider this status and marketing. :)

Ideas and meat for presentation appreciated.


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