On 15/8/19 4:05 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> ----- Am 15. Aug 2019 um 2:09 schrieb Chris Johns chr...@rtems.org:
>> On 14/8/19 3:19 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>>> On 14/08/2019 03:57, Chris Johns wrote:
>>>> On 13/8/19 3:10 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>>>>> sorry for the rush,
>>>> Sorry for the delay, I have a client demo this week I am helping with.
>>>>> but what do you think of this patch?
>>>> Why not C++? The rtems-tools repo has strong support for C++ and it brings 
>>>> a
>>>> range of benefits, for example no need to code call handlers at a low 
>>>> level,
>>>> containers so no need for us to include and maintain trace/record/tree.h, 
>>>> and
>>>> more. When I see us adding code like `tree.h` I have in the back of my 
>>>> mind the
>>>> long term support issues it brings while a `std::map` is maintained for us.
>>> Originally, the program should be able to filter live traces with about 
>>> 20MiB/s.
>>> The std::map is simply too slow.
>> It is difficult to comment without us heading into detail and I do not think
>> there is any value in doing that.
>>> Boost.Intrusive would be an option (it is
>>> slower than tree.h in my tests too: https://github.com/sebhub/rb-bench). The
>>> tree.h is a copy from Newlib, so it doesn't introduce new maintenance 
>>> issues.
>>> Anyway, for the CTF conversion the map is unnecessary and could be optimized
>>> away. We didn't had the time to do this in the GSoC project.
>> So performance is not an issue here and the code's presence is historical?
> Ravindra needs this patch to integrate his work on top of it. I posted this 
> patch on January and at this time using C was not an issue:
> https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2019-January/024640.html

Yes and I am sorry I did not raise this in that specific case.

> His integration is now blocked because of something he didn't cause.

Yes and I would to avoid there being a block.

>>>> GNU projects like gdb and gcc have moved to C++ and of course llvm is C++ 
>>>> and
>>>> this is for good reason. I provide these examples in the hope this does not
>>>> start a C vs C++ debate.
>>>>> I would like to
>>>>> integrate the tracing work of the GSoC project and this patch is a 
>>>>> blocking
>>>>> point.
>>>> I understand. I am excited by the work that has been done here and what 
>>>> you are
>>>> doing. It is taking all my will power to not read the ARM debug trace 
>>>> section of
>>>> an ARM TRM as I think that hardware is ripe for integration with this code 
>>>> base
>>>> and set of tools. A C++ framework in rtemstoolkit would be really helpful 
>>>> if I
>>>> do as it would grow what we have rather than us collecting isolated C 
>>>> programs.
>>>> I also understand and appreciate the limited time we all have so I am 
>>>> happy to
>>>> hear how you see the host side progressing over time and how it fits into 
>>>> our
>>>> ecosystem. I would also like to hear what others think.
>>> I don't have a problem with C++ in general. However, I don't think that the 
>>> use
>>> of C in this small program is a blocking point to integrate the GSoC work.
>>> This is work in progress anyway. This program only scratches the surface.
>> What parts are to be added that depend on this tool? Maybe it would help if 
>> this
>> is presented.
>> Work in progress pieces are fine if there is a progression however I did 
>> state
>> at the start of GSoC we currently use python and C++. I am weary of isolated
>> tools that become unclear if we need to keep or we can remove after a period 
>> of
>> time.
> Sorry, but you should have stated that C++ is mandatory a bit earlier.

I did ...


There is C code in rtems-tools, ie elftools and bin2c and I am sure there will
be others. In the case of trace there is a history of C++ and I think this work
is important enough that we consider the long term use cases. I have attempted
to avoid stating C++ is mandatory because that places us in a corner.

> Now it is difficult to change. Ravindra did his work on top of a C program. 
> We can easily convert it to C++, but only after the integration of Ravindra's 
> work. The tool is already useful, it converts the RTEMS record stream into a 
> CTF stream which can be read by Trace Compass to display the thread switches 
> on multiple CPUs and the CPU utilization.

Great. This is all I am asking for. I would prefer we resolve what happens
before we merge and we avoid a misunderstanding.

>> Tools added to rtems-tools and installed are public facing user interfaces to
>> our users. By installing the RTEMS project is agreeing to provide and support
>> the interface provided. I am fine with tools being add if they serve other
>> roles, for example as a means to test rtemstoolkit code, ie regression and
>> development test tools. It is unclear to me where this tool fits.
>> Maybe we need an option to rtems-tools's configure such as --experimental 
>> that
>> builds and installs tools that are a work in progress but are not a public
>> interface?
> Ok, sorry, I should have started with the integration planning of the GSoC 
> work a bit earlier.

Thanks, I am sure we can resolve this.

Do you think --experimental is worth my time adding? This would mean we refactor
the tool and then we remove the experimental status. It is a simple change, add
the option and then add an if experimental to the install part of the waf 

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