On 19/09/2019 01:52, Chris Johns wrote:
On 18/9/19 6:56 pm, Chris Johns wrote:
Building the unstable RTEMS 6 toolchain results in an endless build of automake
with this patch on FreeBSD 12.

OK. I will have a look tomorrow.

The copy of the patch from rtems/config/tools/rtems-automake-1.12.6-1.cfg to the
bare/devel resulted in the patch being duplicated and this broken the build
because the second patch resulted in patch asking we want to reverse the patch.
The include at the end of the rtems automake config is to the bare/devel
automake config.

I have pushed patches to detect duplicate adds in a simple way and remove the
duplicate patch.

Note, the detection can be easily be beaten if the arguments are not the same in
same order.

Thanks for fixing this. I didn't take into account that the RTEMS file includes the bare/devel file.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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