On 24/09/2019 17:03, Gedare Bloom wrote:
RTEMS has a fairly strong relationship (dependency) with newlib, and
that has been working well for a long time. Although the prospect of
having a way to 'drop-in' alternative libc could be nice for small
targets, it would be of more interest to us to see ways to optimize
newlib to shrink it if needed. The use of stripped-down libc for
low-resource targets usually means a feature-rich RTOS like RTEMS will
not be needed either. These kinds of libc are more interesting for
baremetal or low-complexity RTOSs, and some hypervisor-like systems
that want an extremely small, trusted code base.

But, thanks for the heads up about the picolibc.

This is also my point of view. I would spend my time in improving Newlib. For example, the struct _reent could be replaced with thread-local storage. I also think that we should get rid of the C locale support.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
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