On 24/07/2019 15:44, Sebastian Huber wrote:
+Requirement Traceability
+The standard |E10-06| demands that requirements shall be under configuration
+management, backwards-traceable and forward-traceable.
+History of Requirements
+The RTEMS requirements should placed in the RTEMS sources using Git for version
+control.  The history of requirements can be traced with Git.  Special commit
+procedures for changes in requirement files should be established.  For
+example, it should be allowed to change only one requirement per commit.  A
+dedicated Git commit message format may be used as well, e.g. use of
+``Approved-by:`` or ``Reviewed-by:`` lines which indicate an agreed statement
+(similar to the
+`Linux kernel patch submission 

In the first version of this patch, the proposal was to use Git to track the history of specification items (requirements are a specialization them). I think it would be better to add the revision and the description of a change directly to the files, e.g. add a custom attribute "changes" which contains a list of "revision" and "description" tuples. Revision 1 items do not need this attribute. Example:

- description: The description of the change from revision 1 (initial) to 2.
  revision: 2
- description: The description of the change from revision 2 to 3.
  revision: 3
- description: The description of the change from revision 3 to 4.
  revision: 4

This information can be used to add the change log of each specification item to a human readable document for example. The documentation generator program does not need a Git repository in this case to extract the information.

Also this way the revision of a specification item is independent of the current version control system. This makes it easier to reference items of a specific revision. For example: "With ABC-001 in revision 1 we could meet our system requirements, however the change to revision 2 is a problem, due to ...".

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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