On 28/1/20 8:14 pm, Christian Mauderer wrote:
> On 28/01/2020 01:42, Chris Johns wrote:
>> On 28/1/20 10:48 am, Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 4:18 PM Chris Johns <chr...@rtems.org
>>> <mailto:chr...@rtems.org>> wrote:
>>>     On 24/1/20 9:57 pm, Jose Valdez wrote:
>>>     > In fact these tools target the pre-qualified project.
>>>     Do you see this as different to the RTEMS project?
>>>     > Since it was Sebastian who suggested to create this set of python 
>>> tools,
>>>     I think Sebastian is wanting a smooth path for these tools into the 
>>> project.
>>>     > I think the idea was to standardize the use of python not only for 
>>> this
>>>     project, but also for other python written code in RTEMS community. 
>>> This has
>>>     the advantages that every written python code is standard, but has the
>>>     drawbacks:
>>>     >
>>>     > -> old written code would need to be adapted to the standards.
>>>     How different to the proposed coding standard is the existing code? Why 
>>> not base
>>>     the coding standard on what exists in the code base?
>>> This is a very important question.
>>>     Have you evaluated the size of the task to update the existing code? 
>>> How would
>>>     get such changes for the rtems-tools and the RSB be tested and 
>>> integrated back
>>>     into the project? This apporach seems like a huge review task for me.
>>> It could be or it may turn out that there isn't much changed. Without 
>>> someone
>>> running the reformatter and reporting, we won't know.
>> Running a reformatter may give you an idea of the scale however I have some
>> concerns as Python's logic is based on indent levels and a missed level 
>> changes
>> the logic. I am not sure how you know such a tool is safe to use unless you
>> review all the changes.
> To get some statistics for that I tried using yapf on the rtems-tools
> repo. I excluded everything with  "patch-gdb-python", "tftpy" and
> "asciidoc" in the name. You can see the yapf call in the commit message.

The doxygen is from waf. Thomas knows how to write python.

> Google style:
> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/c-mauderer/18746eaa8f3a077adddfe35c1f7b5194/raw/f8202a53ca043d23732d79ab217071e975dc35ad/0001-FIXME-Format-in-Google-style.patch
> PEP8 Style:
> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/c-mauderer/18746eaa8f3a077adddfe35c1f7b5194/raw/c97c77762f65041d9244bc8bc64b90ec698735bf/0001-FIXME-Reformat-using-PEP8.patch
> In both cases it's about 3000 lines removed and 3700 lines added.
> Without having a look at each line: Most seems to be just the normal
> formatting stuff. Some lines are too long. Some spaces missing around
> operators or spaces where they shouldn't be.

And then there is removal of spaces on default args ...

-    def section_macro_map(self, section, nesting_level = 0):
+    def section_macro_map(self, section, nesting_level=0):

I prefer spaces as it is consistent with other uses of spaces around operators.

> Some lists written with
> more or less line breaks.

Yes to make them readable. This is on purpose. I do not agree with this ..

-        return cfgs + ['objcopy',
-                       'arch',
-                       'vendor',
-                       'board',
-                       'config_name',
-                       'first_stage',
-                       'second_stage',
-                       'kernel_converter']
+        return cfgs + [
+            'objcopy', 'arch', 'vendor', 'board', 'config_name', 'first_stage',
+            'second_stage', 'kernel_converter'
+        ]

> Some extra line breaks added between functions.

Yes, this seems to be some that happens. No spaces when setting an argument and
then these spaces between functions and methods.

> But I also noted a problem for python 3 compatibility: There are some
> tab to space conversions. As far as I know python 3 throws at least a
> warning or maybe an error if it finds tabs.

Yes this happens and there are some cases in the code still.

I do not like this ...

-        argsp.add_argument('--net-boot-file',
-                           help = 'network boot file (default: %(default)r).',
-                           type = str, default = 'rtems.img')
-        argsp.add_argument('--net-boot-fdt',
-                           help = 'network boot load a fdt file (default:
-                           type = str, default = None)
+        argsp.add_argument(
+            '--net-boot-file',
+            help='network boot file (default: %(default)r).',
+            type=str,
+            default='rtems.img')
+        argsp.add_argument(
+            '--net-boot-fdt',
+            help='network boot load a fdt file (default: %(default)r).',
+            type=str,
+            default=None)

This is a blocker for me ...

-        '_ncpus':         ('none',    'none',     ncpus),
-        '_os':            ('none',    'none',     'darwin'),
-        '_host':          ('triplet', 'required', uname[4] + '-apple-darwin' +
-        '_host_vendor':   ('none',    'none',     'apple'),
-        '_host_os':       ('none',    'none',     'darwin'),
-        '_host_cpu':      ('none',    'none',     uname[4]),
-        '_host_alias':    ('none',    'none',     '%{nil}'),
-        '_host_arch':     ('none',    'none',     uname[4]),
-        '_host_prefix':   ('dir',     'optional', '%{_usr}'),
-        '_usr':           ('dir',     'optional', '/usr/local'),
-        '_var':           ('dir',     'optional', '/usr/local/var'),
-        '__ldconfig':     ('exe',     'none',     ''),
-        '__xz':           ('exe',     'required', '%{_usr}/bin/xz'),
-        'with_zlib':      ('none',    'none',     '--with-zlib=no'),
-        '_forced_static': ('none',    'none',     '')
-        }
+        '_ncpus': ('none', 'none', ncpus),
+        '_os': ('none', 'none', 'darwin'),
+        '_host': ('triplet', 'required',
+                  uname[4] + '-apple-darwin' + uname[2]),
+        '_host_vendor': ('none', 'none', 'apple'),
+        '_host_os': ('none', 'none', 'darwin'),
+        '_host_cpu': ('none', 'none', uname[4]),
+        '_host_alias': ('none', 'none', '%{nil}'),
+        '_host_arch': ('none', 'none', uname[4]),
+        '_host_prefix': ('dir', 'optional', '%{_usr}'),
+        '_usr': ('dir', 'optional', '/usr/local'),
+        '_var': ('dir', 'optional', '/usr/local/var'),
+        '__ldconfig': ('exe', 'none', ''),
+        '__xz': ('exe', 'required', '%{_usr}/bin/xz'),
+        'with_zlib': ('none', 'none', '--with-zlib=no'),
+        '_forced_static': ('none', 'none', '')
+    }

These cannot be touched. It would make the dicts really hard to maintain.


>>> I tend to think it is worth knowing if this is a monster or a mouse before 
>>> making
>>> a decision. 
>> Yes this is important and also if it is a monster which specific rules make 
>> it
>> so? It maybe most of the rules are fine.
>> If these rules are important to the qual effort I hope they see the value in
>> find these answers for us.
>>>     > Another option could be leave it as it is and only do this for new 
>>> written
>>>     code.
>>>     It would be confusing to any new user to the code to have code written 
>>> to a
>>>     standard and code that is not? If you edit the old code is it to the new
>>>     standard? If you edit an old file do you need to update the whole file?
>>> If we accept a standard, then it is all or nothing. I'm going to sound like 
>>> a 
>>> cranky old man but we have said things like this before and regretted it 
>>> every time. Consistency is critical.
>> If you are a cranky old man then that must make me one as well. Ah the youth 
>> of
>> today ... :)
>>> Quick run of sloccount for a baseline
>>> + rtems-tools - 
>>> Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
>>> ansic:        47237 (49.86%)
>>> cpp:          25837 (27.27%)
>>> python:       21227 (22.40%)
>>> sh:             442 (0.47%)
>> Nice start. A more accurate report on this code would mean removing the 
>> imported
>> pieces.
>>> + rtems-source-builder/source-builder - 
>>> SLOC    Directory       SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
>>> 14314   sb              python=14169,sh=145
>>> 65      top_dir         sh=65
>>> 0       config          (none)
>> There are the .cfg and .bset files.
>>> 0       patches         (none)
>>> So we have about 35K SLOC or Python by that.
>>> No idea how the new standard versus the old looks. I thought Python had a 
>>> consistent
>>> style but I could be very wrong. :(
>> I am not sure, I have never looked. My python skills have developed producing
>> these tools and this code. I know doc comments are missing.
>>>     > -> at some point some tools need to be upgraded (ex: python 3.7 will
>>>     become unusable in 2030 Operating systems).
>>>     I am not sure how this relates. Yes it will need to update however we 
>>> need to
>>>     support python2 for user facing tools for a while yet. A lot of what we 
>>> do and
>>>     how we work is historically driven.
>>> CentOS 8 was just released in October. None of the big organization users I
>>> see are using it yet. 
>>> We need to make a LTS release with 5 on Python 2 as a minimum. I feel 
>>> strongly
>>> about that.
>> And I suspect longer.
>>> As long as the tools are written in a python agnostic manner, the version 
>>> won't
>>> matter.
>> Yes I agree, we should aim for a middle ground and avoid hitting any of 
>> issues
>> that can arise.
>>> We need some test cases for the tools to verify them
>> Yes.
>> Chris
>>>     > I hope soon to formalize our suggestion to you and then you may 
>>> review it
>>>     (and propose changes if you find appropriate).
>>>     I suggest working in the open and with us will be more beneficial in the
>>>     long term.
>>> +1 I can't agree strongly enough. 
>>>     Note, I am assuming the remainder of the email was Christian's. The 
>>> quoting from
>>>     your email client made it difficult to tell.
>>>     Chris
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