On 2020-03-27 18:41, Joel Sherrill wrote:

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 12:12 PM Eshan Dhawan <eshandhawa...@gmail.com <mailto:eshandhawa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 11:18 AM Sebastian Huber
    <mailto:sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de>> wrote:

        On 25/03/2020 20:33, Joel Sherrill wrote:

        On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 12:17 AM Eshan Dhawan
        <eshandhawa...@gmail.com <mailto:eshandhawa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 4:01 AM Joel Sherrill
            <j...@rtems.org <mailto:j...@rtems.org>> wrote:

                On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 4:57 PM Eshan Dhawan
                <mailto:eshandhawa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                    Hello everyone,
                    As @Vaibhav Gupta
                    <mailto:vaibhav.varo...@gmail.com> suggested I
                    have also added adding file descriptor functions
                    to my GSOC project.
                    I went through the mailing list archives for more
                    RTEMS as its own file descriptor so the functions
                    need to be implemented from scratch.
                    I wanted to get more information related to it.

                What's the set of functions you are proposing for
                those not tracking your draft proposal?

            I haven't searched about the functions in the list yet.
            The list was made by Vaibhav, last year and he told me
            that it could be added to proposal this year as well.
            I read the archives that these need to be written from

        Maybe not. I found at least this implementation of renameat()
        which was implemented on top of existing calls:


        It should be in a C file but that shows it can be done. That
        directory has a lot of these methods.

        Adding the *at() functions with an RTEMS-specific
        implementation would be nice (and not difficult). The generic
        renameat() implementation for example changes the current
        directory. One of the goals of this API is to avoid exactly
        this. In glibc/Linux for example a system call is used:



I'm not disagreeing that a generic implementation is undesirable long-term but these methods have not been present for 30 years and no one has complained about their absence. I would propose generic implementations be added and a ticket filed to add RTEMS specific implementations if someone complains about the performance.

I see adding them now as a higher effort task that brings little value. These are for standards compliance and not performance critical.

I would prefer to have real implementations and not just a Potemkin village. Changing the current working directory (there is only on in RTEMS by default) can lead to hard to find bugs.

All these functions are probably easy to implement. With LIBIO_GET_IOP() and LIBIO_GET_IOP_WITH_ACCESS() you get the iop from the file descriptor. Then we have to add a variant of rtems_filesystem_eval_path_start_with_root_and_current() which uses the location of the iop as the initial currentloc. The root and current global locations can be set to rtems_filesystem_global_location_null.

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