On 31/08/2020 09:39, Chris Johns wrote:

On 31/8/20 4:43 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 31/08/2020 02:34, Chris Johns wrote:

On 31/8/20 12:49 am, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 22/08/2020 09:49, Chris Johns wrote:

On 21/8/20 9:51 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
In contrast to rtems_task_create() this function creates a task with a
user-provided task storage area.
The name is build but it creates a task? I am wondering about
rtems_task_create_static or something along this line?
A function to do a static initialization is a contradiction from my point of
view. Static initialization means for me that you statically initialize a data
structure and then it is ready to use (it may involve a static constructor).

The function builds a task from user-provided (stack, attributes, etc.) and
system-provided (thread control block) components.
Build and create are both verbs which means both contradict the idea of
something being static. By tradition we assume a function's naming is in the
run-time context and we do not consider the fact a compiler may optimise the
operation and prepare the result before the code runs.
Yes, the task creation or building through a function call is not a static
initialization. This is why I don't like rtems_task_create_static().
I am concerned there maybe doubt about how the calls are to be used if you are
not familiar with the API and it's history. Do I need to create a task then
build it before I start it?
Yes, such a confusion is possible, but I think this can be solved by the
Yes it can but why not take a moment to consider what we could use. :)

Also both functions return an identifier. You cannot use them
with an identifier.
That implies some knowledge of the API. For us this is apparent.

The call names I proposed both create a task, one is
static and by default the other is not.
If you really want something with create in it, then I suggest
rtems_task_create_with_config() and rtems_message_queue_create_with_config(). I
think these names are a bit long.
This is hard. "With" implies having a config, ie created with it attached to the
task. What about rtems_task_create_by_config() as a shorten version of
rtems_task_create_by_means_of_a_config() or even 
So we have currently on the table:






Or long vs. potentially confusing.

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