
I wanted to pass along that I turned on rtems7 tools to be built once a
week and test the same BSPs and configurations done for rtems6.  Results
should be showing up on build@. Currently the following is done:

+ If RTEMS Tools has changed, Coverity is run at  12:15 PM every day

+ If RTEMS or RSB has changed, Coverity is run at at 15 after midnight
every day (CentOS)

+ RTEMS 6 Sweep of Tools and BSPs at 4:45pm every Friday (CentOS, FreeBSD,

+ RTEMS 7 Sweep of Tools and BSPs at 4:45pm every Friday (CentOS, FreeBSD,

The size of the sweep varies based on what has changed. If needed, it will
build all tools, run tests with debug on and off, SMP on and off as
appropriate for BSPs with simulators, and runs the rtems bsp builder.

Note: The rtems-bsp-builder has not been converted to waf and a high number
of failures are reported.

The CentOS computer is pretty beefy and takes about 30 hours if
everything has to be built and all BSPs build and test completely. The
FreeBSD and Ubuntu computers are older and it takes 2.5 - 3 days.

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