On 06/06/2022 17:34, Joel Sherrill wrote:
On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 9:02 AM Frank Kühndel <frank.kuehn...@embedded-brains.de <mailto:frank.kuehn...@embedded-brains.de>> wrote:

    Hello Joel,

    *From: *"Joel Sherrill" <j...@rtems.org <mailto:j...@rtems.org>>
    *To: *"Frank Kühndel" <frank.kuehn...@embedded-brains.de
    *Cc: *"rtems-de...@rtems.org <mailto:rtems-de...@rtems.org>"
    <devel@rtems.org <mailto:devel@rtems.org>>
    *Sent: *Saturday, June 4, 2022 1:05:25 AM
    *Subject: *Re: [PATCH 3/7] TFTPFS: Restore tftpDriver.c

     > Is this really just a move/rename? Does it preserve the git blame

    This (PATCH 3/7) is really a file "copy/recreate" (git blame info
    will *NOT* be preserved). The move/rename is (at the very beginning
    of) PATCH 2/7. My understanding is, that the git blame info will be
    "moved" by PATCH 2/7 from original file tftpDriver.c to the
    "copied/moved" tftpfs.c file provided the person commiting the
    patches does not apply the trick described in the link I send in the
    cover letter of this patch set. If that trick is applied both files
    tftpDriver.c and tftpfs.c will have an intact git blame info - at
    least as long as nothing "surprising" like a git rebase happens.

    My feeling is that more original code survived in tftpfs.c than in
    tftpDriver.c. Therefore, in case the trick is not applied (i.e. only
    one file ends up with an intact git blame info) it is preferable
    that this be tftpfs.c.

OK. Work with Christian or Sebastian to make sure it gets committed correctly.

We don't use merge commits and never made any attempts to help git blame doing the right thing. I will just squash the commits together.

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