On 20/06/2022 09:46, Chris Johns wrote:

On 20/6/22 4:06 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 11/06/2022 03:57, Chris Johns wrote:
I will take a look at the heap fragmentation under large block writes as a
background task. I have openedhttps://devel.rtems.org/ticket/4664  to track this
In 2018 I replaced the first fit allocator with TLSF due to heap fragmentation
issues in combination with JFFS2 in an RTEMS application operating 24/7. Since
then we no longer observed heap fragmentation issues.
I am sure it would make a difference. Is the change available?

I added the corresponding tickets in 2018, but had no time to work on it.

embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
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email: sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
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