On 29/9/22 5:13 pm, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
> Am 29.09.22 um 08:56 schrieb Chris Johns:
>> On 29/9/2022 4:55 pm, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
>>> Am 29.09.22 um 08:54 schrieb Chris Johns:
>>>> On 29/9/2022 4:42 pm, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
>>>>>> It could be a bug if the tools builds work, ie 6/rtems-*. Please raise a
>>>>>> ticket?
>>>>> The tool builds work except for the 6/rtems-microblaze.
>>>> Thanks, I will take a look.
>>> I just checked it: There is the same behavior for devel/dtc (which is much
>>> faster to build). Without the patch an archive is created. With the patch it
>>> doesn't create one.
>> Awesome, that will help.
> In case of dtc, it seems to not work because dtc is in
>   devel/dtc-1.6.1-1.cfg
> which ends in a ".cfg" and not in a ".bset".
> The bset_tar(...) function is only called if the have_staging is set here:
> https://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/tree/source-builder/sb/setbuilder.py?id=161b7f108c3daa0f71ac289ba048a68b730d422c#n623
> That variable seems to be only set to True here:
> https://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/tree/source-builder/sb/setbuilder.py?id=161b7f108c3daa0f71ac289ba048a68b730d422c#n489
> And that statement is in a
>   if configs[s].endswith('.bset')
> Does that mean that only bsets can be packed? 

It means the build is not being staged and so no bset tar generation. At a guess
a single package in a build does not need to be staged so that step is missed.

Just a bug. If you could please raise a ticket and assign to me I will take care
of this.

Nice work getting it down to here. I appreciate it.

> I think having a tarball for tools like qemu or dtc could be quite useful too.


> PS: Not sure yet why microblaze is affected too. That maybe is another case.

Thanks. Getting to it with rtems-deployment repo but I hit 5 verses devel branch

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