Hello Karel,

Am 15.07.23 um 12:17 schrieb Karel Gardas:
On 7/15/23 09:47, o...@c-mauderer.de wrote:
Am 15.07.23 um 01:48 schrieb Karel Gardas:


I've created setup where I've put updated STM32H7 HAL consisting of two submodules:

- stm32h7xx_hal_driver
- cmsis_device_h7

and ARM's


into hals/arm/stm32h7 to follow related BSP code location.

I think I would prefer "contrib/hals", "external/hals" or some other more generic top directory name. It would allow to use that for other parts like for example zlib in "contrib/libs/zlib" in the future (if we agree on having libs like that there too).

Indeed, name is not the problem here. Both looks fine, somewhat prefer external a bit.

At the moment, you have absolute URLs for your submodules:

   url = https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS_5.git
   url = https://github.com/karelfv/stm32h7xx_hal_driver.git
   url = https://github.com/karelfv/cmsis_device_h7.git

If we use submodules, I would go for relative paths and clone the repositories to our git.rtems.org and to all mirrors. It has the advantage that even if some upstream URL changes, we won't be affected.

This is dirty PoC not a final solution. Due to this I've settled on absolute urls and not relative. For final solution relative are needed, but both url (relative/abolute) and name/location in RTEMS tree is very easy to change based on decision.

I like submodules because they are well-supported by the usual tools.

Honestly. I like submodules idea, but hate its implementation. Some reasons:

- submodules were added as a light weight feature and during the development of git/submodule feature they accumulated some more.

- submodules started as way to get commit id of the external project to the tree. But only master branch was supported. (not suitable for RTEMS)

- later submodules added capability to use tag (still not suitable for RTEMS)

- later submodules added capability to use different branch from the project, but only a head of it. (finally what RTEMS need).

I don't like using branches instead of fixed commit IDs. Otherwise, it's not possible to reliable re-build a fixed version.

- in the field you can see gits supporting different sets of submodule features described above.

Yes, it will force us to use a minimum git version that supports the necessary features. From my point of view, it's mainly something we should document.

- submodules are easy to be broken. Personal experience from Haskell compiler (GHC) project which uses submodules a lot. I have git 2.25 and I always have an issue to pull from GHC repo since alwyas for me one submodule (when changed) will be broken for me. Conclusion: clone with submodules may kind of work, but later pull may be tricky.

Agreed: It's easy to miss that a submodule is out of date.

- besides submodules are not supported in 'got' which is 3rd party independent implementation of git like SCM with more sane UI

I would say that this is a problem of the third-party client. We should make sure to support the official git client. Maybe additionally some (python?) git library if it is necessary for our tools.

- due to submodules trickiness development policy for external integration with project code modification (aka HAL patches) needs to be very well written. I smell horrible increase in cognitive load here...

Nonetheless, we should take a look at some of the reasons why other projects decided against them. For example Google has the "repo" tool used in Android. Zephyr has the "west" tool. OpenWRT uses "feeds" for something similar. I'm sure there are more.


All solve a similar problem. Part of them even overlap already with functionality from our waf based build system. We should consider whether we need any of the functionality of these tools and whether we want to re-implement it or whether we just want to use one of the tools and integrate with it.

Oh, do I sense starting academic debate now? The point of my dirty PoC was to ground that a bit and show real stuff to get a feel of possibilities.

I think the Proof of Concept is great and important. Thanks for doing it. I'm fully OK with submodules as a general direction. I just wanted to point out that we should take at least a short look at other systems that solve similar problems. If they work around serious limitations of submodules we can learn from them and avoid that we hit the same limitations.

I used submodules myself in a lot of cases. And there are mainly two problems that I have:

1. I often miss pushing a submodule when I push the base repo. And I only note it way later if I try to update the repo on another PC. That happened to me multiple times when working with submodules. But another tool will just have other problems so that's not really an argument.

2. They have a strong hierarchy and sometimes can be a bit unflexible due to that. It can be difficult to use (for example) the Makefiles in one repo to build stuff in the parent repo. Or build a different version of a library that is a submodule of a submodule. But again: Other tools will just have other limitations.

Anyway, based on my PoC experience I would probably prefer something more KISS and also more flexible by tool(s) being also aware of RTEMS BSPs

Awareness of RTEMS BSPs or libraries is a good point. It's something that an external tool most likely can't do.

- first lets start with just 'boot' and 'update' scripts hosted in the repo and used to clone/update externals would be needed. And put 'external' into git ignore.

Why do you want to ignore the "external" directory? Wouldn't this suppress that git shows that a submodule has been changed?

- later boot/update my be made BSP aware. I mean when doing development on H7 I do not need HALs for Xilinx and other ARM/v8/Rx stuff. Neither I need HAL for NXP/Microchip chips.

- may this boot/update functionality be made part of ./waf tooling? Perhaps it may....

From my point of view, the integration into the waf tooling should happen sooner rather than later. Simple scripts are fine for a start, but I would avoid growing the scripts to a point where they know about BSPs. The waf based build system already has that information. What it needs to learn is that if it doesn't find a file for the current build configuration, it should take a look at whether the file is in some submodule path. If yes, it can print an error ("Didn't find <file>. Did you miss updating the submodule <path>?") in a first step or execute the necessary git command itself in a second step.

So based on this I can see how Zephyr gravitated to west...

Or google Android to repo.

I've also completely removed HAL code from the BSP directory and also CMSIS v4 files from bsps/arm/include to verify compilation is really using submodules.

I think the CMSIS headers are used by some other BSPs too. So that's fine for a prototype. But for the final solution, we need something different.

The PoC needs to prove some things hence removal of CMSIS from the tree. Nothing more. It's a "gain experience" vehicle, not a final solution. And btw, you will not be able to find final solution without touching/testing stuff and getting your hands dirty with it.

Yes, of course. I'm fully OK with a PoC as long as it is clear that it still needs work.

Everything has its own price: (i) adaptation/support of west for RTEMS or (ii) writing homegrown script(s) or (iii) never ending fight with git submodule incompatibilities and user confusion and most importantly (iv) never ending discussion or discussion fading away without any decision :-)

The user confusion in (iii) is most likely the most difficult one (regardless what tool or script is used).

I see the problem of (iv). I will try to be open to every working solution.

Best regards


Thanks for all your comments!


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