On 4/8/2023 4:39 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> On 04.08.23 08:22, Chris Johns wrote:
>> On 4/8/2023 3:16 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>>> On 04.08.23 00:27, Chris Johns wrote:
>>>> On 2/8/2023 6:49 pm, Chris Johns wrote:
>>>>    > I am concerned about the compatibility to the ecosystem we have. Have 
>>>> you
>>>> built
>>>>> all the tests in the testsuite with this value set to something that is 
>>>>> not
>>>>> RTEMS default? I think a few things will break because of hard coding in 
>>>>> them.
>>>> I have asked for test results and I have not seen any yet the patch has 
>>>> been
>>>> merged? The change was not approved my me and is still not approved.
>>> Sorry I thought it was fine after answering your questions.
>> All good, I would like to finish the discusion. :)
>>> Yes, I have tested this with the rtems7 tools. It was possible to build with
>>> the rtems7 tools
>>> before, however, the PROGRAM_PREFIX approach is better, since it allows 
>>> also the
>>> build using vendor tools. We had some fixes for this recently:
>>> https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2023-May/075321.html
>>> This is something the user need.
>> What if a user adds or uses a prefix that does not conform to the standard
>> format? I am assuming this is possible to do this, eg Gaisler's special 
>> prefix?
>> Possible breakage is
>> https://git.rtems.org/rtems-tools/tree/rtemstoolkit/rld-cc.cpp#n457 ?
>> Do we need to document any constraints around this option?
> There will be always problems left to fix. 

I do not see this as a problem, I see an incomplete change pushed without the
review being completed.

> A basic build and the normal tests
> work fine with non-standard tools. For the Gaisler tools, you would need:
> PROGRAM_PREFIX = sparc-gaisler-rtems5-
> I guess the rld-cc.cpp will also have issues with a clang build.

Yes it would and libdl is a part of RTEMS and breaking it again is something I
would like to avoid. I consider the change incomplete because one part says use
PROGRAM_PREFIX to change the tools prefix however doing so may break other
parts. There is nothing to warn the user PROGRAM_PREFIX may not work as 

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