Hi all,

Using x86 master on qemu with 2G memory, the kernel's map looks good:

Parsing GRUB physical memory map
Physical Memory Region from 0 size 9fc00 type 1
Physical Memory Region from 9fc00 size 400 type 2
Physical Memory Region from f0000 size 10000 type 2
Physical Memory Region from 100000 size 7fee0000 type 1
Adding physical memory region 0x100000-0x1fc00000
Physical Memory Region from 7ffe0000 size 20000 type 2
Physical Memory Region from fffc0000 size 40000 type 2

But the largest physical address of non-device untyped I get from bootinfo
is 0x1faf9000. Same at 1G to 3G, though it does the right thing at 128M. On
the other hand, x86_64 looks fine with 0x7ffc0000, and adapts to more.

btw, very exciting to see x86_64 code land! Working well so far.

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