Hi everyone,
I am getting a link failure during the build of sel4test-tests:
apps/sel4test-driver/musllibc/build-temp/stage/lib/libc.a(__stdio_exit.o): copy 
relocation against non-copyable protected symbol `__stdin_used'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Searching t'interwebs seems to imply this is a gnarly problem caused by the 
nuances of various build tools - but one that should not apply to Arm.
You can summarise everything I did before the build like this:
    sudo apt install ninja-build libxml2-utils repo
    pip3 install pyyaml typing hardware pyfdt jinja2 jsonschema six future ply 
python3-protobuf grpcio-tools
    cd && mkdir xxx && cd xxx
Then to follow your build
    repo init -u https://github.com/seL4/sel4test-manifest.git
    repo sync
    mkdir build && cd build
    ../init-build.sh -DPLATFORM=bcm2711

And yes I know it is not supported and the BCM2711 is for the Pi 4.  I am 
evaluating ;)
Any help greatly appreciated.
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