Hi Jeffrey

I believe the "Simulation" means whether simulation will work with seL4 for that platform. I think what counts as a platform that supports simulation is whether or not passing "-DSIMULATION=1" to something like seL4test is supported. However, I'm not 100% sure this is what it means, just my guess.

That page is missing the QEMU RISC-V virt platform, which is what primarily used for simulation on RISC-V. Some SoCs such as the Polarfire and SiFive Freedom U540 (https://www.qemu.org/docs/master/system/target-riscv.html) are emulated by QEMU but simulating seL4 on those SoCs is not something regularly tested.

To use sel4test with QEMU RISC-V virt, you can run the following commands:

mkdir sel4test && cd sel4test

repo init -u https://github.com/seL4/sel4test-manifest.git && repo sync

mkdir qemu && cd qemu

../init-build.sh -DPLATFORM=qemu-riscv-virt

This will produce a `simulate` script in the build directory that will execute QEMU with the right commands to simulate seL4test.


On 24/2/24 02:15, Jeffery Lim wrote:
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What does the Simulation column mean in the RISC-V table in 

Does it mean that spike is the only supported platform to run qemu simulations? 
All the other platforms can only be run on hardware?



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