Hans Mittendorf wrote (in a message from Monday 13)
 > Hello,
 > Installing X11 on a Mac under OS 10.2.3 gave a problem related to typing
 > inside xterm from a french keyboard. For typing Œm¹ I have Œ;¹.
 > Changing keyboard to US via software, does not change anything. Therefore,
 > my question: does XFree86 4.2.1 support french keyboards?

Are you referring to XDarwin or the X11 package from Apple ? 
XDarwin has a global preference to set the keyboard layout, but it
needs to be restarted to take effect. 

AFAIK Apple's X11 need a command line option to speficy the keyboard
layout.  Both X server can't change their layout from the main OS X
menu bar.

If you want to change your keyboard dynamically (ie without restarting
X) on Mac OS X, you can use xmodmap(1). Appended below is set of
xmodmap commands to set up an french layout keyboard. For more
information see the xmodmap manual page. 

-- cut --
keycode 234 = Mode_switch
remove mod1 = Alt_L
remove mod1 = Alt_R
add mod1 = Meta_L
!add mod3 = Mode_switch
!keysym Alt_L = Mode_switch Alt_L

keycode 61 = at numbersign 
keycode 38 = ampersand 1
keycode 39 = eacute 2
keycode 40 = quotedbl 3
keycode 41 = apostrophe 4
keycode 42 = parenleft 5
keycode 43 = paragraph 6
keycode 44 = egrave 7
keycode 45 = exclam 8
keycode 46 = ccedilla 9
keycode 47 = agrave 0
keycode 53 = parenright degree
keycode 54 = minus underscore
keycode 50 = BackSpace Delete

keycode 28 = A
keycode 34 = Z
keycode 55 = dead_circumflex dead_diaeresis
keycode 56 = dollar asterisk

keycode 12 = Q
keycode 59 = M
keycode 60 = ugrave percent
keycode 58 = grave sterling

keycode 108 = less greater
keycode 37 = W
keycode 24 = comma question
keycode 62 = semicolon period
keycode 63 = colon slash backslash bar
keycode 64 = equal plus
-- cut --
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