On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 12:10:16AM +0000, Alan Hourihane wrote:
> If you call the ShadowFBInit2 in newport_driver.c (just tag FALSE on the
> end of the arguments). Does that work for you ?
Yes, this works. Thanks! But it's significantly slower. After switching
back from the console there's nothing happenning for about 5 seconds
(but I see an "half updated" screen), then inistantly everything is back
to normal.
My question is now: is ShadowFBInit going to be removed in favor of
ShadowFBInit2 or will it be "revived"? Should I look into fixing it or
send a patch that uses ShadowFBInit2 (which would hopefully slip into

shadowfb.h says about ShadowfbInit2:
 * It also allows you to specify that you
 * actually do have a real framebuffer (as opposed to just some malloc'd space
 * in memory) by passing FALSE to fbIsVirtual.
But when I pass TRUE (since I only have a virtual fb and can't access
the newports fb directly) it doesn't work. I have to pass FALSE. Am I
missing something here?
Thanks again,
 -- Guido
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