On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Kendall Bennett wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I am trying to work out if it is possible to 'step outside the box' so to 
> speak when writing an XAA driver module for XFree86 4.0. Basically there 
> are some functions that we think we can implement faster if we hooked 
> them at a higher level in the X server than to implement them via just 
> the XAA provided hooks. Say for something like the text rendering 
> functions. Is there a way to directly hook into the rendering model above 
> the XAA layer so we can accelerate some things with a more efficient 
> model than just XAA? Back in the old days of XFree86 3.x it was easy 
> because everything was in a single server binary, but with the loadable 
> module system I am not sure if this is possible or not.

   There isn't anything "above the XAA layer".  XAA lets drivers hook
things at 2 or 3 different levels.  It's just not documented.
Watch the LOW, MID and GC level in xaaInitAccel.c.  LOW is the
documented interface.  XAA builds MID from LOW, builds GC from MID.
GC is the top level.  Of course, you don't have to use XAA at all
if you don't want to, but XAA is an all or nothing thing.


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