> I'm quite fine over here with 4.3.0 CVS on SuSE-8.1. I set
> #define NothingOutsideProjectRoot YES
I'm recompiling X now to see if this helps

> in 'site.def' and installed the whole thing over the existing /usr/X11R6/
> directory.
I did the same. Actually, I had another problem, reasons for which I have not 
checked yet: after replacing X xdm refuses to start, but startx works fine.

> I also patched the DRM kernel sources according to the stuff in
> 'os-support/'. 
I did not do that. Can those crashes occur because of misunderstandings 
between X's i810 driver and kernel's framebuffer driver?

> I just forgot to activate PAM (see other posting),
forgive my illiterance, but what is PAM?


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