You could do it that way.  You might want to look at the dri project
( though.  That way you can get an idea of how X
talks to the kernel driver and such as well as make your driver
consistant with the rest of the open source drivers out there.  You can
also use the DRI code from another driver, perhaps the r200, as a basis
for your driver.  Also as I recall the r128 driver supported DMA based
Xvideo (overlay), so if you are looking to do that in your driver the
r128 driver would be a good starting point.


--- dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Help I am writing a X-4.2.x fully accelerator driver
> For NVIDIA video cards .
> It consisted of 2 parts 
>  2. X                NVXF     (NVIDIA X FREE)
> The kernel part controls the hardware 
> and the X part talks to the kernel part using  (ioctl)
> and the USER part of the hardware using DMA and MMIO  
> All data 2D ,3D ,IMAGE ,VIDEO ,  MPEG , OVERLAY to and from 
> screen MUST!!!! Go thou the accelerator and their can 
> be NO! direct access to screen memory can X function
> in this way?? (Complete accelerator driver)

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