Owen Taylor writes:
 > On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 14:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > Isn't the number of patches where you don't want:
 >  - An explanation of what is wrong
 >  - A bug number to be ability to refer to the change later
 >  - The ability to add further comments to the bug report
 >    if more information is needed

Yes, these were the features that conviced me of the bugzilla.

 > We have some patches in the bugzilla.gnome.org to allow it, but:
 >  - Patching bugzilla extensively degrades your ability
 >    to upgrade to newer versions, so take the advice of experience, 
 >    try to avoid it.

Yes, that's true. On the other hand I've seen quite a few bugzillas
that have been heavily tweaked.
There seems to be a great demand to get away from the spartanic
looking default face and also there seems to be demand for 
functionalities that the default face doesn't offer.

 >  - Bugzilla really doesn't want to send mail to people without
 >    accounts; so, if you get a bug submitted by a non-account-holder
 >    it's sort of "second class"
 > Something more sophisticated (email creation of accounts, etc)
 > is certainly theortically possible, but I don't know of an
 > implementation.

Account creation by bugzilla may not be all that importand.
However creating and commenting on a bug may be more interesting.

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