On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 19:04, Chris Edgington wrote:
> Still working on this siliconmotion upgrade for the 0730 chipset. Running
> RH9, latest xfree code from cvs. Got hardware cursor working .... but I'm
> only getting hardware cursor-related calls in certain scenarios. If I start
> gimp - hardware cursor is used for the custom cursors while over an image.
> Other apps that use custom cursors seem to result in hardware cursor calls
> ..... but when the cursor goes over the desktop (or the menus, etc.)
> HideCursor is called and I can only assume that a software cursor is now in
> use. Is this expected - or should hardware cursor be used at all times?

Unless your hardware supports alpha-blended full color cursors, the only
place a hardware cursors are going to be used are places where the
current cursors theme doesn't have a cursor to replace the old X bitmap

(Perhaps you've noticed the difference in appearance between the cursors
that get sent to the hardware and the other cursors)


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