you can do this via several methods. XSendEvent is the simplest, but is
problematic since you would have to choose the window to send the events
to and clients can ignore the events. the proper way to do this is with
the XTEST extension which was introduced just for this purpose.
'xautomation' is a tool which gives you a command line interface to this
extension and is very handy and can be used to do things like simulate
paste for apps which don't support pasting nativly.

On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 11:34:50PM +0200, Roland Pabel wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to know if anyone ever thought of a way to spoof mouse/keyboards 
> events, so you could send special events like clicked() to any application 
> running...
> My idea is to have something like this: A pipe ~/.X_fifo is created on X 
> startup and you can paste strings like "mouse move 100,100", "mouse pressed 
> left" or "keyboard pressed 'P'"  and these actions would then be carried out 
> as if someone moved/pressed the mouse or keyboard accordingly...(the 
> applications shouldn't notice a difference)
> If no one knows of an implementation, could you tell me with which of the 
> X11/extensions/ header files to start with?
> thanks
> Roland Pabel
> -- 
> ICQ UIN 49339118      Linux Counter #88774
> GPG-Key 1024D/59C6AFA6 2003-02-07 Roland Pabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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