On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Cheshire Cat Fish wrote:

> I've written a driver for an 8-bpp-only device.  This is a non-VGA device 
> and runs as a second display alongside another board (in my case, an S3 - 
> also running in 8bpp)
> The problem I am seeing is that after I first boot-up the screen colors are 
> wrong for my device.  I've verified that I am writing the correct colors to 
> the the CLUT, it is that XFree86 is giving me the wrong colors.
> Now, if I Ctrl-Alt-F1 to a console (which appears on the S3 card) and then 
> Ctrl-Alt-F7 back to the X desktop, now the colors appear correctly.  Or if 
> the screen saver kicks in, then when the screen saver exits, my colors will 
> be correct.
> This is my first X driver, and I am not sure where to start looking.  I am 
> not sure how I have caused X to not select the proper colors upon startup. 
> Any pointers on where to start looking  would be appreciated.

   I think it's unlikely that XFree86 is giving you the wrong colors
since it isn't giving other drivers the wrong colors.  It seems more
likely that the hardware isn't taking the values at that point.
What are you passing to xf86HandleColormaps() ?


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