On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 04:07:36PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: David Dawes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:20 PM
>>Subject: Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders
>>On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 08:09:13PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>>>I think I can get rid of xf86Optrec.h in my code. But, data passing 
>>>between wacom driver and xsetwacom, a user space app,is required to 
>>>enable the user with live function changes.
>>Can you give an example of how this is used?
>For example, my application needs to get the tablet's model from the driver.
>But the driver only knows the model after it communicates with the tablet.
>So, the model can not be assigned into an option in the config file. 
>Basically, I don't have problem to sent data to the driver from client. I
>use xfWcmDevChangeControl(), which is assigned as local's control_proc to
>send data to the driver. I have problem to pass data from driver back to the
>app. That's why I let driver write to a file so the app can read from there.


>>There are definitely sufficient option handling interfaces available to
>drivers so that you don't 
>>need to go digging into the OptionRec. It should be straightforward for you
>to fix that.  If you 
>>do happen to find something that isn't covered with the existing
>interfaces, just let me know.
>I'll fix the problem and submit another patch. Should I still submit it as a
>bug fix for [Bug 537] or create a new bug to submit this patch?

Either way is OK.  Just send a note here when you've done it.

>>A more practical question I have is how broadly has this significantly
>restructured version of 
>>the driver been tested, and does it support (and been tested) on all of the
>hardware the old 
>>driver runs on (especially older hardware)?  Given where we are in the
>release cycle now, this is 
>>more important than the other issues.
>The refactored driver has been posted at http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net
>since April 11, 2003. In addition to the use and testing from individual
>users, it is also tested by many corporation users. We support all the
>tablets that Wacom has released so far.

OK, that's good to hear.

David Dawes
developer/release engineer                      The XFree86 Project
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