David Dawes wrote (in a message from Thursday 27)
 > Incidentally related to this is another problem I've run in to.  Old
 > FreeBSD X apps, that use a version of libc without IPv6 support, crash
 > when run on a recent system when trying to connect to a remote display
 > when using our newly built X libraries.  I have a patch that restores
 > compatibility to our X libraries by checking if the IPv6 libc support
 > is available at run-time, and falling back to the IPv4 code otherwise.
 > I think it is "complete enough", but I'd like some feedback before
 > committing it.

I think that this particular case (using binary libraries with IPv6
enabled on a older libc which doesn't know at all about IPv6) is
probably going to fail in applications too. I'm not sure if
it's worth handling it inside of Xlib. There are enough issues and
separate cases when the libraries are consistent wrt. IPv6 to handle
not to add this additional complexity. 

But having said that, your patch seem to handle this particular
situation and since it's the base for your 2nd patch that handles
something more important, I guess both should go in. 

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