On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 06:06:31PM +0100, Grzegorz Nieweglowski wrote:
>David Dawes wrote:
>> The patch is necessary for building against freetype 2.1.7, because
>> changes in header file names were hidden behind these macros.
>BTW, what is this freetype-2.1.7 I keep reading about?
>Isn't freetype hosted on SourceForge anymore? The latest version I see
>there is 2.1.5. The freetype project moved somewhere else?

You can find it if you go to the freetype.org ftp site in France.  I
didn't see tarballs on the SourceForge site either.

>> My first question is, do you have a clean tree?
>> The next question is, is '-I/usr/include -I/usr/include/freetype2' on
>> the gcc command lines as it should be?
>Yes it is.
>> Can you send the actual build log extract for the failing part?
>rm -f ftfuncs.o unshared/ftfuncs.o
>gcc -c -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I. -I../../../include/fonts 
>-I../include -I../../../exports/include/X11 -I../../../programs/Xserver/include 
>-I../../../extras/freetype2/src/truetype -I../../../exports/include -I../../.. 
>-I../../../exports/include -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L 
>-DXvExtension -DXFree86Server -DXF86VIDMODE -DSMART_SCHEDULE 
>-DX_BYTE_ORDER=X_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DXFREE86_FT2 -march=pentium2 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer 
>-s -pipe -DNDEBUG -DG_DISABLE_ASSERT -s -z combreloc ftfuncs.c
>ftfuncs.c:46:10: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
>ftfuncs.c:47:10: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
>       [... CUT! Nearly 600 lines ...]
>make: *** [ftfuncs.o] Blad 1
>> Also, check the depend stuff in the Makefile that gets created to
>> see which "ft2build.h" file it thinks is getting used.
>After "grep ft2build Makefile":
>ftfuncs.o: ../include/fontutil.h /usr/include/ft2build.h
>ftenc.o: ../include/fontutil.h ../include/fontenc.h /usr/include/ft2build.h
>fttools.o: /usr/include/ft2build.h
>If I replace the '#include <ft2build.h>' in ftfuncs.c with
>#include "/usr/include/ft2build.h"
>then it builds well. But if I leave the default '#include <ft2build.h>'
>it fails.
>But I think I know what's wrong. The gcc manual says:
>"Directories named by -I are searched before the standard system include
>So system directories, like /usr/include, have *lowest* priorities.
>Anything "blessed" with -I will be checked first. It gets even worse:
>"(...) If the directory dir is a standard system include directory, the
>option (this means -I) is ignored"

Do the gcc people give a reason for not allowing a system directory to
be "blessed" with -I?  Maybe adding -nostdinc would help, but that would
probably have unwanted side-effects.

>So you can't do anything about it. The *only* way of solving this
>would be rearranging xc's includes. If you want gcc to use
>/usr/include/ft2build.h you need to make sure that gcc gets absolutely
>no -I pointing to a directory with a second "ft2build.h" in it.
>This isn't good, is it? It's not only freetype, it can probably happen
>to expat, fontconfig etc.

>Oh, and the troublemaking ft2build.h is, in this case, located in the
>xc/lib/font/FreeType directory (-I .) Once you remove it, it all works.
>And now I understand why. Well, this means that to ensure gcc3
>compatibility the included external parts, like expat or freetype, would
>need to be completely isolated from the build process. gcc should not be
>allowed to learn about those includes unless they are really needed.
>'cause if gcc finds them, it will use them instead of /usr/include.

There is no ft2build.h in the xc/lib/font/FreeType directory in
(it got moved to the only place that uses it: xc/lib/font/FreeType/module).
That's why I asked if your source was "clean" :-)  I did see this
problem myself before moving it.

>> If you can figure out what the problem is and send a patch for it,
>> that would be most welcome.  It has to work with older versions of
>> flex, as well as lex too.
>Someone with flexperience would be needed...
>On my config this does nicely:
>--- xc/programs/twm/lex.c      2003-12-10 17:10:27.000000000 +0100
>+++ xc/programs/twm/lex.c.new  2003-12-10 17:10:47.000000000 +0100
>@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
> /* flex integer type definitions */
>+int yy_prev_more_offset;
> #ifndef FLEXINT_H
> #define FLEXINT_H
>But it's just a quick&dirty hack if someone (like me) is just interested
>in getting a XFree86 release to compile.
>I looked a bit at it, and it seems that flex, at least my flex-2.5.31,
>uses a /usr/include/FlexLexer.h header. I guess this header needs to be
>included in every flexed C source. However, greping twm for "FlexLexer"
>yields no results.

On the FreeBSD 4.x system I'm using right now (which has flex 2.5.4),
the only place on the system that FlexLexer.h is installed is
/usr/include/g++/ !

>But twm/lex.c already includes many, many definitions from FlexLexer.h
>(some are still missing, like yy_prev_more_offset). I don't know the
>history of flex - this /usr/include/FlexLexer.h is either something
>really new, or someone embedded an older FlexLexer.h file in twm sources
>long ago (which would explain why there are so many parts of FlexLexer.h
>in it).
>A good fix would be to kick redundand definitions out of twm/lex.c and
>put a "#include <FlexLexer.h>" there instead. But I don't know if it
>wouldn't break compatibility with older versions of flex or lex. I never
>used flex, so I don't know how to solve this.

If there's a reliable way of knowing when to include <FlexLexer.h>, then
we probably should include it.

>Argh, I don't like it. Two problems and I can't fix even a single one.
>Oh well, maybe someone else will.

Portability can be a pain...

David Dawes
developer/release engineer                      The XFree86 Project
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