 > I removed the HasGetIfAddrs definition from darwin.cf again and tried a 
 > different aproach to solve the XDMCP problem. I reordered the 
 > connections in a way that connections of the same type as the XDMCP 
 > manager connection are send first. And it worked. :-)

Thanks, I've commited this patch. 

I've also commited a fix for the original problem in XDM (returning
out of memory when an unsuppoted connection type is sent first in the
request paquet) by impementing a policy in SelectConnectionTypeIndex()
(in xdm/policy.c) to choose a connexion type that is supported. 

 > P.S. two problems still are left unresolved:
 > -broadcast does not send XDMCP requests to a broadcast address and 
 > DefineSelf() does not deliver IPv6 addresses when HasGetIfAddrs  is
 > set.

I've fixed the the IPv6 problem with getifaddrs() and enabled
HasGetIfAddrs for darwin, so -broadcast works now. 

There are still 2 problems remaining :
-multicast doesn't seem to work on Darwin the query packets are sent
but xdm doesn't see them. And for now the link-local address for the
loopback interface  (fe80::1) is still (wrongly) advertized in the
request packet. I hope to be able to fix these problems soon.

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