Torrey Lyons wrote:

In building the top of the tree on Mac OS X 10.2 I have run into troubles linking the GLX support in Xserver/GL. The problem is that native OpenGL in Mac OS X 10.2 does not include glActiveStencilFaceEXT() and glWindowPos3fARB(), which have been added to g_render.c and g_renderswap.c since 4.3.0. On Mac OS X 10.3 things build fine since these calls are available.

g_render.c includes the comment:


I can build server side GLX successfully if I just #ifdef the offending calls out on Mac OS X 10.2. or #define them to no-ops. Is this likely to cause problems? How is g_render.c automatically generated? What is the best way to conditionally remove support for these two functions?

It's not. This code was donated by SGI, and I suspect that at SGI it is automatically generated. However, in XFree86 it is not. I'm in the process of making some changes to this file in DRI CVS. I'll drop a line to this list when I'm done so that you can tell me which routines "break" on the Mac, and what ifdef needs to be put around them.

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