On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 01:06:55PM -0600, Mark Cuss wrote:
> Hello again
> I have an application running on this machine that decodes MPEG-2 into a
> window and then draws overlays on top of the video using a colorkey.  This
> works on other hardware combinations (ie - an Intel 810, anything nVidia,
> etc), but on this machine the XvPutImage that performed by the MPEG-2
> encoder and the draw commands for the overlays fight with each other,
> causing a blinking effect...  I've seen this before on the SMI chip, and one
> of my co-workers modified the X server to fix it for me - it had something
> to do with the X server and the driver not negotiating the YUV format
> correctly - something about the YUV data not being drawn into the overlay
> buffer - sorry - I just can't remember the nitty gritty details.
> Does anybody know if and how this problem could be addressed?

Jump into the driver Mark, and take a look.

Without nitty gritty details and sample applications and videos there
may not be a lot others can do.

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