> So, are you saying that if I develop a Input Core driver (Serial and
> USB) it is not necessary to develop a XFree86 driver?

It's a little bit more exciting than that ;-)

The good news is that if you develop a Linux input driver, any
userspace application that groks /dev/event will be able to use your
device.  Additionally, if it's a relative device, any application that
can grok the PS/2 mouse protocol will be able to use your device.

The bad news is that as far as I know XFree86 does not yet have an
input driver for /dev/event.  Yes, this is a shame (I gladly take my
part of the blame).


 - I've hacked together a simple /dev/event driver for KDrive (TinyX),
   which is available on 


   It works for both relative and absolute devices, converting the
   latter to relative in the driver (it was developed for a synaptics
   touchpad, but should work with any device that has three buttons).
   You're welcome to do anything you wish with this code (you don't
   need to credit me, except for keeping my copyright notice in the

 - If you develop for the event interface, you will not need to design
   a new interface.  Implementing a well-defined API will doubtless be
   simpler than rolling your own.

 - If you develop for the event interface, anyone with an absolute
   PS/2 or USB device will be able to help you with the XFree86 driver;
   if you use your private protocol, you'll be pretty much on your own.

Good luck,

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