Hi guys, sorry for the late reply; I've been very busy.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 06:12:31PM +0100, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> DDC P1 is part of Ryan Underwood's G400 Maven changes for the DDC support 
> on the second head, but I'm discovering that this doesn't appear to work 
> on G550s.

Yes, Shaun Jackman brought to my attention that the integrated versions
(G450/G550) have a different method of maven access.  Since Alex sent me
his G550, I'll try to get this working soon.

> Does anyone know whether the G550 has a Maven "chip" ?

It has a maven component, but it's integrated into the G550 die like the

> If I understand correctly, Ryan's change is intended to allow full
> feature support for the Dual head G400 (and G450 ?) *without* using 
> Matrox's HAL.

No, right now it only provides access to the maven chip, TV cable
detection, and DDC2 support.  I haven't yet had the time to figure out
how to setup the modes on the maven.  However, Shaun Jackman kindly went
into Windows and dumped the maven registers in various TV modes, and
produced a standalone program to setup TV modes.  Eventually I'll
integrate that code.

Ryan Underwood, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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