
Steffen Moeller wrote:
Hello, I am thrilled to hear of this request.

I'm suprised that this is not a common request for games (two input devices for two gamers).

In my X-application (here SDL..) I want to know on
which mouse a button was pressed. Accroding to
XInput.h / XDeviceButtonEvent there is a field which
is named "deviceid". But this has allways the same
value. It doesn't matter which button I pressed. Any
ideas how to solve this problem?

First of all I've to correct myself. It looks like I didn't understood (and still don't understand) the XInput extension. On the other side looking at Gimp it looks like there is a way to handle my problem just with this XInput extension.

I got to the point that I could distinguish the mice (USB and PS/2), but
never learned how to have two cursors on the screen and something else
got priority. But I am still subscribed to this mailing list!!!!

I don't need two cursors, just the posibility which user (= which mouse) did a button press.

Since you in Berlin are accidentially very close to me in Rostock,
it might be a good idea that we both meet, or just ring me up. I still
have my source from back then, just the diff to the current distribution
is a bit difficult. I could tar this up for you or anybody else being
interested. Also I have a demo program.

Very much thanks for this offer. But I think it should be much
easyer for me to learn to use the XInput extension
than to patch the X11-Server :-)

If someone has a patch for libSDL to add XInput would be nice.
Or may be someone has a *realy* simple sample code how to use
   My fault was to think that the XDeviceButtonPressedEvent
is send like a normal XButtonPressedEvent (e.g. fetched by
XNextEvent (). But it's just a normal XButtonPressedEvent..


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