On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 02:19:33PM +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
>David Dawes dixit:
>>Another useful data point might be a delay loop in place of the usleep().
>I was going to try that today, replacing the call usleep in the .s
>file with a simple delay loop, but checked first if it still failed
>without, and it worked without the usleep workaround.
>What did I change? I lowered the default cflags from -march=pentium
>to -march=i486 (to fix another miscompile in ppp(8)) and rebuilt the
>whole system (just playing with cflags in X had not helped earlier).
>I'm surprised, but thankfully it "looks like" a gcc optimisation bug.
>Thanks for the help, though.

That's interesting.

>Sad: now 108.000 fps instead of 115.200 fps :(
>By the way, you wanted to provisionally commit my decompress.c,
>I hope you didn't forget?

I didn't forget.  I'll commit it soon.

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