
  I want to use some device, that is not a video adaptor, as output for
XFree86 server. This device receives the 24 bit RGB frames (pictures) as
byte stream with finish flag at the end of each one and don't know
anything about some kind of timings etc. The speed of output is about 25
  Is it possible to use this device with XFree86 at all? I trying to
write a test XFree86 driver for this purpose and hasn't found how to
get the screen picture to send it to my device. Is it true, that only Xv
extension allows to control the output of completed frames by the
adaptor->PutImage() routine? And actually even video players like
MPlayer or Xine, when using Xv, attempting to call XvShmPutImage()
(that, as I know, cannot be handled by my driver) instead of
  I need at least to output the video by some player. But it
will be wonderful if I can to use this device as usual monitor to output
any of the X applications.

Thank you.

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