jf simon wrote:

> 2- The same code as seen from ndisasm:
> 000068DA  A00080            mov al,[0x8000]
> 000068DD  04F5              add al,0xf5
> 000068DF  0002              add [bp+si],al
> 000068E1  C8008015          enter 0x8000,0x15
> 000068E5  0E                push cs
> 000068E6  0106C800          add [0xc8],ax
> 000068EA  80100E            adc byte [bx+si],0xe
> 000068ED  0105              add [di],ax
> 000068EF  C800800B          enter 0x8000,0xb
> 000068F3  0E                push cs
> 000068F4  0104              add [si],ax
> 000068F6  C8008006          enter 0x8000,0x6
> 000068FA  0E                push cs
> 000068FB  0102              add [bp+si],ax
> 000068FD  E80080            call 0xe900       <<<<<!!!HERE AGAIN

This is probably data -- either font data or VGA register tables.  Can
you trace backwards any more and figure out how you got to 68DA?

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