On Mon, 11 Jun 2007, Pankaj S wrote:

Thanks, Marc. Is there no way in which socket() system call and
other socket related API be implemented in a XFree86 input driver?
When I try to implement the same, while loading the driver module
the XFree86 module loader gives "Unresolved symbol" for each of the
functions. Even dlopen() cannot be used as it results in the same

Modules are deliberately only allowed to call a restricted list of
system calls which are known to work (the same way ?) on (all ?)
operating systems that XFree86 runs on. The idea is (or at least was)
that *binary* modules could be built on one OS and run on any other.

dlopen() is definitely not allowed and I don't think that system() is
either.  To add a system call you would need to add them to every
server that your module is to work with. *If* you were to do that it
would be best to collaborate with Xorg as well as XFree86.

 Could you provide any way to resolve the above issue, as we would
 like the driver to take input from socket (i.e. from a remote

x2x ( ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/SRC/x2x/x2x-1.27.tar.gz )
uses the XTEST extension to drive the input of a remote X display.
Could you run something on the machine with the touchscreen which
uses XTEST to send data to the display you were writing an input driver for ?

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