On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Without the output from `scanpci -v -v` that I asked you for, there is
nothing I can rework it to.

This is strange, my second message, submitted on 22/06, was sent by the
list only on 30/06, along with you first answer. This is the reason I
didn't saw the question about the scanpci.

Yes, there appears to have been a glitch in our mailing lists, which seems to have been resolved now.

Anyway, here it is (on the Dell GX270). This is the scanpci shipped with
the "faulty" XFree86, which displays the INVALID IO ALLOCATION error.

Thanks for the output. I'm almost certain I know what the problem is, but I'd like to confirm my hunch. Please send me a copy of this system's /proc/bus/pci/devices file.



|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310          |
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