I want to propose Simon Groenewolt as a new MMBase committor. This means
that he would receive voting rights and also CVS write access.

We know Simon for some years already. He has submitted several bugs, and
also occasionally proposed the fix. He appeared on several
developer-meetings, enters IRC and/or participates in the developers
list if necessarry, was a member it at least one project, and last but
not least, has requested proposal himself now.

In my eyes all this proves sufficient dedication to our 'cause' to grant
his wish to become committor. 'Of course!', I would nearly say, 'I'd
grant it for far less!'.

I asked him to write down why he would need it any way:

Current changes:

Some small changes to error messages: adding a space here, removing an
'n' where it didn't belong. Making error messages actually say what the
error is instead of just saying 'error'. (in mmbase 'core', in the
forum, and in the package manager / builder code)

Fixed a DTD/XML parser warning on taglibcontent.xml by adding
<info></info> tags.

Added some more error reporting to the SetFunction.java class so you get
to see what's the problem when something doesn't work. (Needs
improvement since I currently use e.printStackTrace() which is probably
not the way this should be done)

Changes to the package manager to make debugging of a malfunctioning
package-server a lot more simple. Adding error response codes that
communicate server-side problems. (Error 500 for stuff like
nullpointerexceptions, and 404 for packages that were not found. An
'access denied'/'unauthorized' should follow...) This replaces the
current behavior "return empty file" ;-)

Changes to the package manager that made it usable if the stylemanager
was seriously messed up. (the messing-up was partly my own fault, but
it's still a useful feature :-)

Fixed a return-value configuration in the package builder functionset.

Added extra check to thememanager to not stop working in some unexpected

Small fix to ThemeManager packaging file.

Changes to Forum code that made it work again. (The not-working was
maybe partly a result from a small mistake of Gerard while committing
without doing an update) Haven't investigated whether they are all
needed. Made some robustness changes like modifying tests on
var.equals("true") into "true".equals(var) to prevent
NullPointerExceptions in cases that weren't expected but which I
succeeded in making happen!

Future plans:

Extend package manager to make it more usable for myself and others,
publish small package manager howto. Make a command-line packager that
can be used in automated environments. (like a daily build) Make it
(really) work on windows - current state is at least 'not tested', and
some parts will simply not work. (Somewhere in the code a file is saved
to '/tmp' if I remember it correctly.

Improve overall error reporting of mmbase since I really don't like it
when exceptions are caught without providing feedback to the user or in
the logs.

I'd really like to add these fixes (offcourse after asking the
maintainer(s) of the packages and/or having a vote in case of important
changes). I'm assuming I can add an extra space in an error message
without doing any of that.


START OF VOTING:   2005-07-05 10:30
END OF CALL:       2005-07-08 12:00

[_] +1 (YEA)
[_] +0 (ABSTAIN )
[_] -1 (NAY), because :
[_] VETO, because:



Michiel Meeuwissen                  mihxil'
Mediacentrum 140 H'sum                [] ()
+31 (0)35 6772979         nl_NL eo_XX en_US

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