Ernst Bunders wrote:
> We at Dynasol are asked by Kennisnet to do some development/bugfixing for 
> MMBob in the near future. They specifically requested that we should 
> develop in the mmbase cvs repository, and build a specific Kennisnet 
> release on top of the files produced by the mmbase contributions build.
> A requirement for us is that we can make releases that can be reproduced. 
> it should be possible to branch from a previous release. To document what 
> changes belong to a specific release.
> The trouble is that I can not think of a release model other than following 
> the mmbase releases. Because the applications/contributions are dependent 
> of mmbase and version tagging/branching follows mmbase.
> It is not a very good situation if we fix a number of bugs and than have to 
> say: you can have the new version in three weeks because than a new mmbase 
>  release is being made.
> We could tag the mmbase repository for mmbob releases. This at least would 
> give us the chance to recreate a release. The problem of this approach of 
> course is that mmbase might at such a time be unstable itself.
> So, the crux is that an independent development model for applications is 
> completely missing. I can not think of a way to do it right. I suppose 
> maven could be used to disconnect the applications/contributions from 
> mmbase as it is good at defining dependencies. But that is not the current 
> situation.
> I wonder how other people look at this issue. is there something I miss?
> Can anybody suggest a way of working that would allow us to meet hour 
> requirements apart from following the mmbase releases?
> I am looking forward to some reactions on this.

I normally tag the complete tree when I release mmbase, but I think it is
no problem to tag just a part of the tree. If you want to make a separate
release of e.g. mmbob a tag for that can be created easily

The only problem is practical, because you'd probably want that this tag is
actually used for a build on the mmbase machine of only that application or

So you can then e.g, simply say that you run mmbase 1.8.3 with mmbob 1.0.4
or so, which then principally only refers to cvs tags.


Michiel Meeuwissen                  mihxil'
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