Madhusmita Patri wrote:
> Hi
> We are coming through different version no and build no of MMBase like
> 1.7.2,
> 1.7.3,
> 1.7.3
> etc

> Can u tell me pls how we are changing these.
> When we are changing from 1.7 to 1.8 and
> when we are changing from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 likewise

Principally, 1.7.x are minor upgrades of 1.7.0, and principally contain
only bugfixes. Minor upgrades should go relatively effortlessly (and mostly

1.8 is the next mayor release after 1.7. very manuy new features, and
changes in old features. We do our best to maintain backwards compatiblity
in between mayor versions, but it is  not absolute.

> i.e. How do we define the version numbers of the product in relation
> to release management

I suppose that for a product based on mmbase you shoudl specify a minimal
version dependency like '1.7.1' (you need a certain bugfix), and possibly a
maximal version (like 1.8.0, perhaps your product uses deprecated features which
were dropped).

Hope this helps, I'm not sure about your question.


Michiel Meeuwissen                  mihxil'
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