I'd like to add some code like:
 if (value == null && MMBaseContext.isInitialized()) {
=MMBaseContext.getServletContext().getInitParameter(getName() + "." +

to that method.

That will have the effect that you can set any module property in
web.xml or in context tag (e.g. server.xml or the specific
context.xml) of tomcat..

E.g. like so:
<Context path="" docBase="/home/mmbase/eo/cj" debug="0"
reloadable="false" allowLinking="true">
         <Parameter name="mmbaseroot.datadir"
value="/home/mmbase/data/cj/files" override="false"/>

Where I demonstrate a 'datadir' property on mmbaseroot, which I'm
contemplating too...

This is very similar to system properties which can be used in a
similar fashion for a long time already:


but using servlet context parameters seems more correct and more useful..

I would even opt for placing this code _before_ using the map of the
module itself, so that you can even _override_ properties in that way.

I'd like to add it to HEAD, and perhaps even to 1.8

What do we think, can anybody come up with any objections? Would I
need a vote for this change?

mihxil'  http://meeuw.org
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