2008/3/3, Ernst Bunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> hello
> I changed it like this, and it seems to work, but i am not sure if i should
> commit it.

Perhaps getInternalUrl e few lines above should simply have returned
null, if the urls is not to be ruled by the filter. You put jsps in
/mmbase/ which are probably not meant to be 'nice' urls'.

> RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(forwardUrl);
>                     if(response.isCommitted()){
>                          log.debug("** respone committed, including");
>                         rd.include(request, response);
>                     }else{
>                         log.debug("** respone not committed, forwarding");
>                          rd.forward(request, response);
>                     }

How come the response became committed?

Anyhow, a broken page is perhaps never desirable, so I'd check it in.
Perhaps after changing the first log.debug to log.warn (at least until
we're sure that this behaviour is actually good).


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