2008/3/14, Peter Reitsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  This can probably be configured using a XPath query in the <list
> destination="B"> node of the configuration file.
>  <action type="create">
>     <relation destinationtype="A" role="posrel">
>          <field name="pos">XPath expression to copy one attribute value out
> of B</field>
>     </relation>
> </action>
>  Does anybody know which expression I need ?  I actually wonder if this is
> possible at all. It seems the XML document that the XPath is working on is
> the XML representation of the Wizard before the new relation Node is added.
> So, taking an attribute of this new relation Node is not possible at that
> stage.
>  Am I right, does anybody know any other options ?

I suppose you may be right. On the other hand I don't understand why
you would want to copy data from B to posrel. I mean, why is B itself
not good enough to contain this data.

Another option would be to program it in java, and let that be
triggered by the relation event (using a 'RelationEventListener'), or
by the commit of posrel (a 'Processor' on one of the fields of

I could perhaps also come up with a solution which would involve
overriding the wizard xsl. You could e.g. attach some javascript which
simply silentiy copies the data, on change, from the field from B to


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