The reason the mail transmission is slow is that you've not provided any
(quick) means for SysMailer to resolve the email address that you are
sending to. This means that SysMailer (or to be more precise, the
underlying dsmailer.dll) has to use the Internet's root name servers to
find the name & IP address of the destination domain's mail server and
they are typically heavily loaded.
If you have a local smart host email server (i.e. an SMTP server that
will forward emails for you) then you can massively speed up the process
by leaving that to send the email. When you do this, SysMailer only has
to deliver the email to your local smart host and Axapta can just carry
on. The smart host will then forward the email using its own name
resolution mechanism and will handle stuff like retries if the
destination mail server is off line, etc. Your own mail server can do
this job for you although you may find that some configuration changes
will be needed to allow your Axapta client to use it. This is because
standard practice for mail server configuration is to restrict which
client machines are allowed to forward mail through the mail server. You
may find, therefore, that the machine you are running the Axapta client
on is blocked from using the mail server for this purpose. You can check
this as follows
Get to a command prompt.
Type "telnet x.x.x.x 25" and enter where x.x.x.x is the IP address of
your smart host mail server.
Type "helo y.y.y.y" and enter where y.y.y.y is your IP address. Note
that the telnet won't echo back the characters that you type so you will
have to type carefully.
Type "mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and enter where [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is your email address
Type "rcpt to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and enter where
external email address
If you are being blocked you will get an error message at this point. If
no error then...
Type "Data" and enter
Type a dummy message and then enter
Type "." and enter
Type "quit" and enter
If you're able to get through all that without an error displayed at the
point when you specify the external email address then your mail server
is allowing you to send external mail from the client that you executed
this on. Note that if you are running a thin client Axapta connection
and your SysMailer code is going to run on the server then you will need
to perform this test from the AOS.
To get SysMailer to use the smart host you need to add the following to
your code...
Note that the SySEmailParameters table has a field that you can use to
hold the smart host name, so you could set that up and use...
If you do get the error and you cannot get your systems admin people to
reconfigure your mail server to allow you to route external mail through
it then there is an alternative...
You can also give SySMailer a local DNS Server to enable it to resolve
the destination email domain locally and avoid the overhead of using the
root servers. You'll need to know the IP address of your LAN DNS server.
There is a SysMailer method that can be used to add a DNS server to its
DNSServers collect, but the last time I tried to use it it crashed
Axapta (service pack 3). The alternative is to create your own class
that extends SysMailer and override the new() method on your child class
adding the code...
COM dnsServers;
dnsServers = _com.DNSServers();
dnsServers.add("IP address of your DNS server");
Doing this anyway isn't a bad idea as it means you can use sysMailer's
validateAddress method to check for valid email addresses.
So, in summary, always use a smart host (relay server) if you can
because its the fastest way of doing things and you are offloading the
need to handle offline or busy destination mail servers. If you cannot
use a smart host then use a local DNS Server. If you want to validate
your destination email address then use a local DNS server anyway. Avoid
using the root DNS servers at all costs.
Hope that helps
Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: 07 March 2006 18:35
Subject: [development-axapta] SysMailer class
Hi everyone,
I copied the send email example code from SysMailer help file and
put it in a job. It goes like this:
SysMailer mailer = new SysMailer();
mailer.body("This is the body of the mail");
mailer.subject("Eureka! Axapta generated and email");
mailer.fromAddress("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
mailer.fromName("Joe Smith");
mailer.tos().add("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
print 'done';
The job executes fine but it is extremly slow. At least 15-20
seconds for an email with a single receipient (mailer.sendMail() is
where it chugs). Does anyone have a clue why that could be and if
so how to fix it?
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